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 Products & Pricing -> Fine Art Scanning | Negatives & Slides Scanning

 Digital Capture and Art Scanning:
We offer artists and designers the latest in fine art scan services using the Epson Graphic Arts Or Cruse family of Arts scanners. Please use the price calculator below to determine the cost of your order. Scanner details can also be found on this page.

* The price for 3 optional 8x10" size color proofs will be $60, and each additional proof will be $15.
* Originals for scanning can be removed from and replaced in frames for an additional charge of $30.
* Color proofs can be done on canvas or other fine art papers.
* The artist/owner is responsible for insuring all artwork left with KeenART Media Ltd.
* Artworks can be shipped to us, to be scanned at our facility. The owner of the artwork is responsible for all shipping insurance fees.
* For more information, see our articles on Art Reproduction: Flatbed Scanning Vs. Photography and all about Flatbed Scanners.